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About the ACC

Adjust Your Future, Study Chiropractic.

Australian Chiropractic College (ACC)

The Australian Chiropractic College (ACC) was established by a passionate group of industry practitioners, committed to ensuring that future generations – our children, grandchildren and beyond- have access to excellent, dedicated, chiropractors who care.

The ACC programs have been designed to provide a holistic, ‘job ready’ focus on chiropractic education, with public safety as a key priority at all times.

Our bachelor degree students will graduate well prepared – and appropriately skilled – for long term careers dedicated to chiropractic.

We’re about people, not numbers – small class sizes offer greater engagement and more opportunities for hands-on learning. Our campus is intimate and friendly, and based in the heart of the beautiful city of Adelaide.

Graduate professional and practice-ready – ACC’s bachelor degree program has a strong focus on industry experience, plus teaches you all the skills you need to run your own practice and enjoy an impactful, flexible and independent career.

While students who choose to finish after the diploma year, may enter other health related career areas or, take their diploma qualification on to further study in a related field.

Be successful and enjoy your study – You can feel confident that you will meet the demands of our program because our entry requirements ensure that only the most highly-suited students make it through the hurdles.

The one and only in South Australia – The Australian Chiropractic College is the only TEQSA-registered educational institution in South Australia to offer a Bachelor of Chiropractic degree. This degree program been designed by chiropractors with professional and academic credentials, with a view to graduating practitioners who are committed to an integrative whole person (vitalistic) approach to chiropractic care.

Ready to find out more, visit our website –